Snuggle Bags

I love Open House once all the work is done and displayed.  But once it’s over and you take it down, how can you get all that work home?

Snuggle Bag

I do these Snuggle Bags as a way of getting all those goodies home without them getting destroyed! My grocery store charged me 5 cents per bag, so it was $1.50 which is pretty good. I like free better, but I only get them for free when I wear a low cut top and ask the box boy.

Snuggle Letter

These bags go home three times a year since I am a year round teacher, and they are a real highlight of the trimester.  I usually get a sweet card from a parent or two in response to the snuggle time they had with their child.  {As a side note- I do send home work daily, but 3 times a year I strip the walls to prepare for the incoming teacher.  So that is a lot to send home at once. As you can see, my classroom was in the process if being torn down at the time of this picture.}

Passing out a million papers

Now, do you cringe at the idea of having to hand out a stack of papers and art?  Try this idea.  Circle them up. Like a big circle…. big…. with bags next to them or behind them.  Then start calling out names and tossing the art in the center of the circle.  I try to have my boys sit right and my girls sit left.  When I toss, I toss center left or center right.  It takes me almost NO time time to hand out a ton a of work. 

I feel like these snuggle bags really help connect my families to our classroom.  How do you help families and school come together? Or if you are not a teacher, what did your teachers do that was so memorable? I am always looking for ways to make deeper connections. 

The snuggle bag note is waiting for you on Google docs as a little freebie.  I hope you enjoy.

Snuggle Bags

Now, speaking of things to make a deep and long lasting connection with, I have a love affair with Target. I go in to buy tape, leave with 15 bags of who knows what, and I am happy.  Do you feel the same way?  Sometimes I am not happy though when it hits me that I spent $275 when I went in to buy tape. Then the wave of guilt hits, and I plan to return "most" of it.  Does this ever happen to you??? The guilt too??? Are you addicted to the dollar bin as well? I'm not alone??? Thank God! 

Well, to help ease any guilt and keep the "Target Joy" coming My Hubby and I are giving away a Target card. Let the shopping begin! US Residents only - Rafflecoper joy. Ready Set Enter!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Remember to enter the giveaway for the mystery box! The box is chock full of teacher goodies and comes with a digital file of our great units. The box is over $60 in value, and will arrive on your doorstep!!! How great is that? You have to live in the United States though.  I hope you win :0)

a Rafflecopter giveaway